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Azithromycin antibiotic

Azithromycin antibiotic

100 INR/Kilograms

Product Details:

  • Efficacy Feed Preservatives Promote Nutrition
  • Origin India
  • Dosage As Per Suggestion
  • Dosage Form Powder
  • Storage Instructions As Per Suggestion
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Azithromycin antibiotic Price And Quantity

  • 100 INR/Kilograms
  • 100 Kilograms

Azithromycin antibiotic Product Specifications

  • India
  • Feed Preservatives Promote Nutrition
  • Powder
  • As Per Suggestion
  • As Per Suggestion

Azithromycin antibiotic Trade Information

  • 5000 Kilograms Per Month
  • 7 Days

Product Description

Azithromycin is generally a potent macrolide antibiotic, widely used in the treatment of different types of bacterial infections. Because of its broad-spectrum activity, this antibiotic is commonly applied in the management of respiratory infections, skin diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and some gastrointestinal infections caused by bacteria. This antibiotic works by inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis, which means stopping the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
It comes in several forms like tablets, capsules, or even oral suspension powders, therefore easily valued for its flexible dosing schedule. Sometimes it is a single once-daily dose over a short span of days, this therefore provides an easier schedule that patients find comfortable from those antibiotics requiring frequent dosage and administration, thus making more effective adherence to the medication treatments. The demand for the pharmaceutical sector will help the suppliers cater to azithromycin, which is in demand worldwide. Ensuring that the needed supply of quality azithromycin is steady will definitely meet healthcare needs. Observing high regulatory standards will ensure that proper storage and appropriate distribution networks will ensure the maintenance of product efficacy and safety.
As drug wholesalers and healthcare providers attest to, partnering with responsible drug suppliers is crucial so the antibiotic is always ready, both in terms of quantities available and on-time availability.


Q: Is azithromycin an antibiotic?

A: Yes, it is highly effective against bacterial infections.

Q: Can you mix azithromycin powder with water?

A: Yes; generally, azithromycin powder is mixed up in water to make it easily ingested as an oral solution.

Q: Is azithromycin a safe antibiotic?

A: Azithromycin is safe for almost every patient when used.
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